Multimedia Specialist
Table of Contents
Critical Thinking
Too Exciting

To work as a multimedia specialist in Hollywood is exciting. Each new movie that is released tries to outdo the others in the use of special effects technology. Staying up to date means you view every new film with a critical eye.

Activity: My Spidey Sense is Tingling

Choose a movie you have seen that uses special effects such as, Avatar, Spiderman, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or The Matrix and then answer the questions below.

1. How did the color and sounds express the mood of the movie? Describe one scene as an example.
2. What special effect do you believe was the most spectacular? Why?
3. Do you recall a special effect that you believe was not successful? Why?
4. Did the special effects make the story better, or were the special effects used to make up for a poor story?
5. If you made this movie, what would you have done differently?
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