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Step 4c: Create a Pre- and Post-Test for Class: Work Readiness, 10 a.m.

The 100 questions available under this Topic with the corresponding Lesson title are displayed below.

For each question, decide whether you want to use the question on the Pre- or Post-Test, or on both. Check the boxes under the Pre-Test column to select the Pre-Test questions. Likewise, click the boxes under the Post-Test column to select the questions for the Post-Test.

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Topic: Employer Expectations

 Lesson: Behaviors Employers Expect (Required)Pre-TestPost-Test
1.You show respect when you are friendly.
2.Using your employee discount to buy something on your friend's behalf is dishonest.
3.A self-starter is a person who shows initiative.
4.Showing too much interest in your job is not a good thing because it sets you up as a goody-goody.
5.Being willing to learn is a character trait supervisors like in an employee.
6.Paying close attention to details can make the difference between a good product and an adequate one.
7."Many hands make light work" could refer to teamwork.
8.Being an optimist is a good thing.
9."Busy as a bee" refers to honesty.
10.Aptitude refers to what you are good at doing.
 Lesson: Objectionable Behaviors (Required)Pre-TestPost-Test
1.Lying a little in the workplace is an expected behavior.
2.If your boss annoys you, you have the right to argue.
3.A good way to respond to workplace arrogance is to ignore it.
4.It’s best to have a spouse or child call in sick for you.
5.Routines can help you get more out of life, personally and professionally.
6.The best way to discourage a negative person is to be positive.
7.Lazy people often work hard at being lazy.
8.Commitment to the job means you only need to know your role.
9.Employers want people who can follow directions.
10.Conducting personal business on company time is okay at most companies.
 Lesson: Job Success (Required)Pre-TestPost-Test
1.If new on the job, get personal quickly with co-workers.
2.If, after the first week, you don’t like the job, "hit the road."
3.A good attitude helps produce good work.
4.An industrious worker stays busy, even during slow times.
5.Not asking for help in a new position shows confidence.
6.A good entrepreneur takes calculated risks.
7.Company politics are always undesirable.
8.Setting priorities is important only for executives.
9.It is your right not to be criticized in the workplace.
10.A good mentor shows you how to do your job and fit into the work environment.
 Lesson: Transferable Job Skills (Required)Pre-TestPost-Test
1.Common sense is not something you are born with.
2.Strong problem solvers use proven methods.
3.Having good interpersonal skills means listening to everything discussed at work.
4.Glaring at customers is acceptable when they say something rude.
5.Making lists and taking notes are planning skills.
6.It is difficult to be organized at work when you are not organized in your personal life.
7.Time management skills means having a good time on the job.
8.Leaders set good examples.
9.Teaming means sharing the work load.
10.Adaptable people are wishy-washy.
 Lesson: Establishing Credibility (Required)Pre-TestPost-Test
1.Doing what you say you will do establishes credibility.
2.If you have an assistant, she or he should take care of following through on all details for you.
3.If you know just your area of responsibility, that will prove you are a good worker.
4.Seeing setbacks as opportunities for improvement shows confidence in yourself.
5.Starting on time or early shows you are reliable.
6.If you don’t talk about your mistakes, no one will ever know.
7.Sometimes it is necessary to lie at work.
8.Taking undeserved credit for someone else’s work is okay in some circumstances.
9.Use the word "we" when referring to team accomplishments.
10.In a crisis, go get pizza for everyone. It’s a great contribution.
 Lesson: Demonstrating Your Skills (Required)Pre-TestPost-Test
1.Don’t tell employers about skills you don’t have. You’ll learn them on the job.
2.Being innovative is a good way to stand out.
3.Volunteering for new challenges is a way to be noticed.
4.Multi-tasking means working on more than one project at a time.
5.You should let everyone at work know how great you are.
6.It’s dumb to ask job-related questions at work.
7.Networking with coworkers keeps you connected with what is going on.
8.Document important successes and events throughout your career.
9.Follow-up reports are just busywork.
10.Playing the superhero is a strong job skill.
 Lesson: Surviving a Bad Environment (Optional)Pre-TestPost-Test
1.Tell everyone at work what you don’t like.
2.Working is just like going to school.
3.If you don’t like the job, walk out.
4.List some possible solutions for your discontent before resigning.
5.Confront annoying coworkers immediately.
6.Strong people skills are a must in the workplace.
7.Be hard on yourself when you make mistakes.
8.Criticism is supposed to make you feel good.
9.Once the damage is done, there is no taking it back.
10.It can take discipline to balance personal time and work.
 Lesson: Managing Change (Optional)Pre-TestPost-Test
1.Even if change isn’t a choice, managing change is.
2.Examining change wastes time.
3.Keeping a positive outlook is important.
4.A contingency plan is a backup plan.
5.It is important to change habits that no longer work well for you.
6.Fear of change blocks your ability to change.
7.An agent of change waits for things to happen.
8.Considering the risk helps prepare you for risk.
9.Keeping up with changes that happen at work is a waste of time.
10.You can ride out the storm of change.
 Lesson: Building Work Relationships (Optional)Pre-TestPost-Test
1.Unethical behaviors and illegal behaviors are always the same.
2.The chain of command refers to the levels of authority in a company.
3.Empathy is the same as sympathy.
4.You can add to your own success by learning about others’ personalities.
5.Learning the work habits of people around you is important.
6."Formal" power is not the only type of power in an organization.
7.Having a team mindset means being a good team member.
8."Scope of authority" refers to the amount of power a person has.
9.Being counted on is a compliment.
10.To be accountable, you have to stand by your actions.
 Lesson: Advancing Your Career (Optional)Pre-TestPost-Test
1.Suggesting new company stationary could be considered value added.
2.Employers know hard work when they see it.
3.Watching more experienced workers is one way to upgrade your skills.
4.Entrepreneurs let other people do their thinking for them.
5.Managing your boss refers to finding creative ways to make the boss’s job easier.
6.To take advantage of opportunities, you must be ready for them.
7.To solve a problem, you must identify the real problem.
8.You can stop change.
9.The effectiveness of customer service can make or break a business.
10.You should never compromise during a conflict.