Multimedia Specialist
Table of Contents
Activity 2: How To

As a multimedia specialist, you create websites, CDs, and educational software that are used on computers. It's important to write instructions for computer users in a consistent manner.

Click the "Print" button.

Here are guidelines, or conventions, that multimedia specialists follow when writing instructions for computer users. Use this information with the instructions at the end of the guidelines.

  • Instruct computer users to perform an action by clicking a button for selecting a commands.

The buttons or menus usually give a choice of commands or actions such as New, Save, Yes, No, Cancel, OK, and others.

  • Use quotation marks and the capitalize button for commands.

Click the "Print" button.

Select the "Save" button.

  • Computer tool bars consist of menus such as File, Edit, Insert, Tools, and Help. Capitalize and Italicize menu names.

Select "Print" from the File menu.

  • Applications are software programs that allow computer users to do things. They often appear as icons (small pictures) on computer screens. The “Calculator” is an application that allows users to perform math operations; “Paint” allows users to draw pictures; “Volume Control” allows users to make the sound louder or softer. Capitalize application names.

Select "Copy" from the Edit menu of the Calculator.

  • Keyboard buttons or commands such as enter, backspace, and arrow up should be written in upper case.

Press the DOWN ARROW key.

Use the guidelines above to edit the instructions given below for a multimedia program called Storyteller that allows users to write their personal life story in text. Users may add video clips, sound clips, and photographs of themselves, family, and friends.

Welcome to Storyteller

1. To use the storyteller application, double click the storyteller icon.
2. Select new from the file menu. In the document that appears, type the first chapter of your story.
3. To move up one line in the text, press the up arrow key.
4. To begin a new paragraph, press the enter key.
5. To store your document and continue another time, select save as from the file menu.
6. In the text box that appears, type in a name for your document. Click save.
7. If you wish to print your story, select print from the file menu.
8. To proofread your document, select spelling from the tools menu.
9. To end the program, select close from the file menu.

   Demo Version: Your work is not saved.