Automotive Body
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Social Studies
Activity 2: Costly Bodies

Automotive body repairers become familiar with the technology and the devices that make cars safe because they work on cars that have been in accidents. They are familiar with every piece and part of a car and know what makes a car repair expensive. Both safety and cost of repairs affect the price of insurance.

1. If the following cars could talk, they would tell you why they are among the most expensive cars to insure. Can you match the cars to the quotes below?
  Chevy Corvette Convertible
Mitsubishi Outlander SUV
Honda Civic
a.“Believe it or not, I'm on the list because thieves steal me more than almost any other car. My parts are very valuable on the street!”
b.“People don't buy me to go 55 mph. When I'm involved in a high speed crash, my repairs are extensive and costly.”
c.“I can roll over quicker than a trained dog! Driving me, you have a 30% to 40% chance of rolling over in a one-car accident.”
2. Technology and safety devices that protect passengers or the vehicle will often lower the price of insurance.
  Identify three automotive safety devices that you are familiar with.
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